Hide photos, videos, and apps on your phone

#1 app in 140 countries, 4.6 average rating, 20 million users

App Main Screen

Hide photos, videos, music and apps on your phone


Access the hidden data with your fingerprint

App Lock

Lock other apps with fingerprint or password to prevent others from opening them


Your data is encrypted and safely stored on your device


Create private notes on your phone


Browse the web privately with inbuilt private browser with ad-blocking and tracking protection


Chat and exchange photos with your loved ones in privacy with inbuilt chat app


Super Fast support system, available 24x7 for your help

Frequently asked questions

What is Hide it Pro ?

Hide it pro is a FREE app to hide your private photos, videos, apps or take secret notes. It works on Android, iPhone, Tablet, iPad, Laptops and Macbook

Why should I use it ?

You should use it if you value your privacy and your data. The app helps you secure your private data i.e. your photos, videos.

How can i trust you ?

The app is secure by design, your data never leaves your device so there is zero possibility of it getting leaked. Over 20 million users are using the app and there have been no incidents of data leak.

What our users say ?

This app has saved me from embarrassment so many times. I have over 4000 photos hidden in the app, and the app works like a charm


Kelly B.

Source: Twitter

Hundreds of options, fake screens and icons, multiple vaults etc. It is by far the most complete vault app. Can't believe it is free


Lori W.

Source: Twitter

Me and my wife are using this app for 6 years now to store our private moments. I really like how simple and powerful this app is.



Source: Play Store

Don't take our word for it, try the app yourselves and experience the awesomeness. The app is FREE to use, share and distribute